Creating KML files for


IGC to KML / KMZ conversion

Sample IGC2KML and KMZ conversion of a flight in Porterville

Use Convert / IGC2KML The IGC Default directory is used as a base to locate your IGC file.
Select an IGC file.
A kml and a kmz file gets created with the track info.

Display all the Thermals in Earth Google

When using the Show All Thermals button in a Site,  a AllThermals.kml and a AllThermals.kmz file get created in the Thermal3Data directory of a flying site. The files contain  a collection of all the thermals that have been collected when scanning all the IGC files for a flying site.



The red lines from the Lowveld airfieldor the Barberton golf course back to Lone Tree are caused by pilots not switching off their GPS when getting a lift back to take off at Lone Tree hill.

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