3 Paraglider configurations, Pilot using Trim-Speed, or Best-Glide or Minimum-Sink
Top 3 are at 60 degree tow line angle
Below is 45 degree
30 degree
and flat on the ground
With the cursor one controls the tension=tow force and the weight of the pilot = all up weight in kg
The tow line force in Cyan in Newton
And red top line is the Drag.
Blue shows the forward component of the wing/pilot, same direction as the Drag.
And in blue we get the climb rate
Green is the Lift component , vertical to the forward speed
Yellow is the combined Lift + Drag Force counter acting the combined Tow + Weight
Black bottom number shows the all up weight in Newton
Java 1.4 has to be installed, download from java.sun.com
Download the best.jar file into some new created directory.
mkdir C:\tmp\test ... for example
Use jar -xvf best.jar or a zip utility to unzip the best.jar file.
cd C:\tmp\test
jar -xvf best.jar
Copy from the appletcode the wingdata.xml and dtd file one higher up into your new created directory.
cp appletcode\wingdata.* .
And start the code
C:\tmp\test>java appletcode/Winch/Forces/WinchForceApplet.class
Then modify the wingdata.xml file and add your glider data to it.
The wingdata.xml file format
PolarCount can be 3 or 4 or 5 for the amount of polare points
The first point has to be the minimum sink point. Where the polare tangent is horizontal.
The next points have to points on the polare as the speed increases.
The last point is the top speed on the polare.
A point is defined by the speed in km/h and a sinkvalue im m/s
The sample data provided is based on the info available from
The wingdata.xml file format
<Wing WingId="Effect38-3" Name="Effect38 3 Points" Span="9.93" MinSpeed="22"
<PolarData PointCount="3">
<PolarPoint Speed="30." Sink="-1.15" />
<PolarPoint Speed="36." Sink="-1.31" />
<PolarPoint Speed="50." Sink="-2.9" />
WingId has to be unique, no 2 wings can have the same Id
Name can be anything you choose, a long string that explains a bit more
Span is the projected ( not the flat) wing span
MinSpeed would be stall speed
TrimSpeed is toggles up and no accellerator applied
PointCount can be 3 or 4 or 5 for the amount of polare points
The first point has to be the minimum sink point. Where the polare tangent is
The next points have to points on the polare as the speed increases.
The last point is the top speed on the polare.
A point is defined by the speed in km/h and a sinkvalue im m/s
Polar data info you find at
The code has also been integrated with T3D2
Known bugs :
Not very robust code, do not deviate and experiment with different input format.
The code will freeze up your computer.
5 point polare go wobbly, having dents, typical behaviour of a spline curve as the degree goes up