NOAA READY Sounding data as Stueve Diagram Java Displayer


Code takes a NOAA Ready Sounding txt file,   xxxx_profile.txt ,  and tries to calculate the cloud base and expected thermal strength.


Code is located as  NOAA-READY-ANALYZE    Package at


Obtain NOAA Ready Sounding data


From  NOAA Ready  ,   ,   pick your spot  and choose Sounding



Choose your start time, time interval,  Java, up to 400mb,




Once the sounding data gets displayed




Download the

Sounding text and any error messages.




into the data directory where the NOAA.bat file is

Use the code


Start NOAA.bat, what is the same as java -jar "NOAA.jar"


Choose the downloaded profile.txt file




Choose the sounding time that you are interested in, normally that would be the 12Z = 14.00 SA time



XX is the day

YY is the time  in Zulu GMT




Move mouse horizontal to set you expected temperature




In this example we got


23C as the expected ground temperature when the thermal starts off.

Yellow line is the DALR

Best lift will be at 2051 m ASL

White line indicates condensation and cloud base at around 2800m ASL

Grey as the condensating   air going up,  SALR, Saturated adiabatic Lapse Rate


Lift Rate East Coast Formula is the expected lift at TI-3, in that case 2.8 m/s. Take 1.0 m/s off from that for your glider sink.

And we can expect around 1.8m/s thermal strength on your vario.


On the right side is the wind speed  in km/h and direction.

Green means not too strong for a Paraglider on the ground for take-off and landing.





Input link direct into Java code



Copy the link from Sounding text and any error messages.




and start the code with the URL


java -jar "dist\NOAA.jar"


or use






Weather forecasts

With Version 3 of the code, in the reports directory, 2 files get created.

 A plain text file.




And a html file