for example create a directory structure ... C:/T3D2/DATA/GTOPO30/E020S10 with 3 files in it
gzip -d the file
tar -xvf the file
T3D2 needs the DEM and JPG file in binary and the HDR as ascii text
in a Directory which gets defined to T3D2 using the Configuration button
Enter the Center coordinates of your flying site Or the start coordinates of your flight In decimal degrees. Like -31.1234 South is negative. West is negative
Define the amount of strips to each side
A GTOPO30 Strip is about 1km
10 = means 10km to the North and 10km to the South of it
and the same applies for East West
give the new site a name
Press GO scan
A directory with that name gets created under the sites directory
The code shows some output as it tries to find the site inside the
GTOPO30 data.
Once done, exit, close down the program. Restart and now you should fin the new created site i the site selection multichoice. Select the new site