Wing Data

Add your own Wing Data Information into the wingdata.xml file. By default the wingdata.xml file is located in the C:\T3D2\data\WingData directory.
The location of the wingdata.xml file can be changed and redefined in the Config Panel
The sample data provided is based on the info available from    or

The wingdata.xml file format
<Wing WingId="Effect38-3" Name="Effect38 3 Points" Span="9.93" MinSpeed="22" TrimSpeed="37">
<PolarData PointCount="3">
<PolarPoint Speed="30." Sink="-1.15" />
<PolarPoint Speed="36." Sink="-1.31" />
<PolarPoint Speed="50." Sink="-2.9" />

WingId has to be unique, no 2 wings can have the same Id
Name can be anything you choose, a long string that explains a bit more
Span is the projected ( not the flat) wing span
MinSpeed would be stall speed
TrimSpeed is toggles up and no accellerator applied

  PointCount can be 3 or 4 or 5 for the amount of polare points

The first point has to be the minimum sink point. Where the polare tangent is horizontal.

The next points have to points on the polare as the speed increases.

The last point is the top speed on the polare.

A point is defined by the speed in km/h  and a sinkvalue im m/s

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