T3D2 - Terrain Track Thermal Data Displayer

by Ulf Arndt, removethistoavoidspam.ulfa @ global.co.za

Code is located at  http://sourceforge.net/projects/t3d2  and the home page is http://t3d2.sourceforge.net/

Applet code snippets Applets

NOAA Redy Sounding Data Analyzer to predict thermal strength NOAA READY

The Earth Google  http://earth.google.com  KML  Interface capabilities

 The NASA World Wind http://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/  IGC to World Wind interface  capabilities

Airspace OPENAIR txt to kml prototype

Sample Screen Shots of what the code does

Some ideas what the code is supposed to do one day

Code is written in JAVA and JAVA3D. Requires Java 1.4 JRE along with the graphic drivers to make JAVA3D work. Installation Instructions

The 3D Terrain data is DEM - Digital Elevation Model based.
How to create a Flying Site from GTOPO30 Data
How to create a Flying Site from GLOBE Data
How to create a Flying Site from South Africa DAT files
How to create a Flying Site from SRTM  Data

Once you got a Flying Site defined from the DEM data you can view it in 3D using a 3 button mouse.

The 3D Terrain can be displayed in a grid, or with some altitude shading, or one can apply a scanned in map over it
How to Map Texture onto the terrain of a Flying Site

One can download from GARMIN eMap, eTrex,. GPS72,.  or Log_It, RobLog, MLR, COMPEO, Aircotec XC-Trainer, Magellan Sportrak,..... your 3D IGC track. GARMIN GPS12 will not work
And then display the track in 3D. Either over a predefined flying site terrain, or by analyzing the flight and "cutting out" the terrain from the DEM data.

Multiple Tracks that are stored under a flying site can be displayed on top of each other to visual check for thermal trigger points.

When one selects an IGC track  from the list of  flights at a certain flying site then the track gets analyzed for thermals.
A thermal is an uninterrupted area of lifted for a certain height.
The minimum height gain textfield allows you to determine what you accept as a thermal.

Along with the track the thermals get displayed , with the average climbrate colorcoded.
The picture above shows all the fligts from a competition analyzed for thermals and all the thermals displayed.
The blue/green areas indicate house thermal areas.

If one chooses a Wing then the IGC Track  gets analyzed if the pilot flew optimal.
How to Define a Wing.
This is based on the wing polare information that was chosen when you selected  the wing.
The wind gets determined by the drift from the previous and next thermal.

At the moment an XML file gets created that compares the actual flight with any optimal speed to fly and best glide data derived from the polare of the wing. And 2 new windows get opened showing color coded tracks where the pilot could have improved.

One can  activate an animated object to follow the IGC track. And it shows a View from a Pilot perspective of the flight in very fast motion.
(Which is very confusing)
How to use Animation on a Track
One can add restricted airspace information to a flying site

Best Glide and Best Turn

The Top Menu Bar got an option to display the Glide and Turn Polare of a wing.
An interactive 2D calculator to show  the Best Glide , Speed to Fly for a certain sink, expected lift, wind component.

A Best Turn  2D calculator, to determine the optimal turn in a thermal for a given wing.

This code can also compare 2 wing polare with each other in the 2D view.

JFlight connection

The code can call up the JFlight code

Idea is to couple the 2 codes more close once we get a better idea of where we are heading.
Right now T3D2 is a technology demonstrator to see what can be done by analyzing 3D track data.

 GPS Serial Interface

( some of the interface code could not be tested with all device combinations, please inform the author if you find that something is not working properly)
The code can  download tracks from various Data Logger GPS devices.
 Like GARMIN eMap and eTrex or GPS72. Not the older Garmin range of GPS12, which only provide 2D track logs.
Or from Aircotec XC-Trainer,  MLR, Log_IT, COMPEO, Magellan Sportrak, RobLog, .....

Track Display

See Track Info how to display tracks and analyze them

Competition and Task capabilities

How to use T3D2 for competitions   

Some Ideas and Change History on what to do next and what was done

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